Hello Everyone!
Last night was our vet school awards banquet, which is a really nice banquet followed by an awards ceremony that lasts almost 2 hours! Over $250,000 in scholarships are given out to students of the vet school, and awards are often made in honor of beloved deceased pets, as well as proficiency awards given for academic excellence and proficiency in the clinical studies species categories such as "Swine proficiciency" , "wildlife/exotics proficincey", "feline proficiency" and so on.
The food was excellent and I got to sit at a table with all my friends and neighbors from Providence Hill (whom I will miss very much after we all move out):
Leslie and Joe, Look Joe's eyes are open!!
Peggy, Sarah, Brianne and Amberle
Look Peggy got the award for Feline Medicine Proficiency! Congrats Peggy!
If you remember, Peggy's cats are featured
here on an earlier blog post.
Laura G., Jenn and Laura B.
Jenn got an award for canine medicine proficiency!! Good job, Jenn!
Laura B also received an award for proficiency in radiology! Way to go!
Laura G. receives mention for winning an award in public health/epidemiology in previous years, which I dare say was a surprise to us all!
Me and my roommate Laura G. I told her if her new roommates suck she can quit her internship and move back in with me in Farmington. Not likely, this girl's not a quitter!
And Surprise! I got an award for proficiency in large animal medicine and surgery! I've never received an award at this banquet before so needless to say I was pretty darn happy! :)
Congrats to all my classmates on their accomplishments and I look forward to seeing you on stage at JESSE HALL Friday afternoon for one last, teensy-weensy non-important little stroll we're all taking...
One more day and then GRADUATION!!! :)