Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mexico esta muy bonitia!

At the beach...
There were lots of beautiful flowers by the pool...luckily it rained that morning making this loooooooooverly rain drop effect :) :)

A beautiful gulf coast sunrise...I got up at 6 AM and walked to the beach on our last day in Mexico to shoot this...the f/stop is at 1/4000!!

The ocean!! As seen from the plane upon arrival at the Cancun airport.

Monday, December 21, 2009

How to have a good time in MEXICO!!

How to do it up right in Mexico!!

1. Go with 3 great old friends...
2. Lose your passport promptly upon arriving at the Mexican Airport
3 Find it again within 10 minutes (this part is crucial)
4. Pack a ridiculous amount of stuff that way you have to lug it through customs...
5. Lay on the beach for 4 days and get incredibly sunburnt on your right side only
6. Do several shots of tequila and somehow injure yourself under the bar, that's correct, I said UNDER the bar.
7. Go snorkeling and almost get separated from the group because you were swimming after a sea turtle...
8. Tell the customs agents you're only bringing back "Christmas presents"...they might get kinda grouchy about that Mexican vanilla!!

;) ;) These are just options you can take, in case you hadn't guessed already this is the short-and-sweet version of my WONDERFUL vacation to the land of Mexico!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you...EVIDENCE!!!
Evidence that I, Rachel Ray, went to a Michael Jackson impersonator show!!

(In the strangest of all places...Playa del Carmen, Mexico!!! Does anyone else find that weird?)

I've now been to exactly two impersonator shows in my life (that I can remember)...MJ being the most recent and the other one being a Johnny Cash impersonator band called Cash'd Out at the Blue Note when Adam and I first started dating...that was a great time as well!
I think this guy really looked like him but when he started talking he had a Hispanic accent...;)
What impersonators have you seen?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pawsitive Memories: Happy Holidays from the Whites: Peggy, Tinsel and Sprinkle!!

These photos are of Peggy White, one of my Vet Med classmates and buddies, and her 2 cute kitties, Sprinkle and Tinsel!! Tinsel was a bit shy, but they are still the cutest!! I wish I could take pictures of cuddly animals all day long...I love my self-proclaimed part-time job!! I'm taking boards tomorrow though...then going to Mexico (the country) to blow off some steam with my girls from high school....expect about 40 million pictures of that trip when I return!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pawsitive Memories: Merry Christmas from the Straubes!

Here are some Christmas photos of my cousins, the Straubes and their doggy Ben!! I loved their Christmas tree!!

Thanksgiving leftovers :)

This is a picture of my friend Leslie, who fixed our wonderful "Vet School Orphan Thanksgiving" meal on Thanksgiving day! She did a great job, that baked chicken was awesome (and so was everything else, technically!!)
Some pics of some good friends of mine, Abbie and David from their Thanksgiving day-after breakfast that they graciously invited me to!! The breakfast was delicious and I had a great time hanging out with Abbie and David and their family!
I posted that pic mainly because Thorina looks crazy-eyed in it. : )

From Left: Abbie (holding Arwen), David (holding Thorina) and Paco. Doesn't he look distinguished in his polo shirt? Yay for everyone who helped make my Thanksgiving great this year!!